Welcome to Halifax Township!

The Halifax Township Supervisors and Employees would like to say "Hello" and "Welcome to Halifax!" This website is designed to be your portal to information about Halifax Township's Government, Events and History. We have also provided a section with links to several other useful sites.

Township ALERT

Tourist Park Road - Long Term Emergency Road Closure and Detour

PennDOT Maintenance Department has scheduled a long-term emergency road closure for Tourist Park Road in Halifax Township due to a critically deficient bridge that is unsafe for public travel. The closure will take effect January 31, 2025, and will remain in place until the structure is replaced. We anticipate completing the project and reopening by June 2025. We appreciate your patience and cooperation as we worked to ensure the safety of all motorists.

Long Term Detour Setup starting Friday, January 31st  will be as follows:

  • At the intersection of Route 225 (Armstrong Valley Road) and SR 4006 (Tourist Park Road) – All traffic will be detoured onto Route 225  (Armstrong Valley Road) a left onto 4th Street right onto Market Street right onto 2nd Street and continue straight  onto rt 147 (River Road) left onto Tourist Park Road. “Detour Ends”
  • At the intersection of Rt 147  (River Road) and Tourist Park Road.  – All traffic will be detoured onto Rt. 147 (River Road) straight onto 2nd Street left onto Market left onto 4th Street right onto Rt. 225 (Armstrong Valley Road) left onto Tourist Park Road. “Detour Ends”

Sewer Project Traffic Update - Starting 3/17/2025

The Halifax Sewer project has a tentative start date of Monday 3/17/2025 to complete the remainder of the project.

  • Peters Mountain Road will have a road closure and detour from Creek Road to SR 147 at Sheetz during the hours of 7am to 5pm and will be reopened each night.
  • Work will start at the intersection of Roadcap and Peters Mountain Road on 3/17 and go south toward Creek Road
  • Please keep in mind that although crews will maintain access for buses and emergency vehicles during construction, there will be certain instances where the road will be impassable.

Updates will be posted approximately every 2 weeks on the affected work areas.

Township News

Spring Cleanup Days for Residents of Halifax Township and Halifax Borough

Dates for spring cleanup will be Thursday, May 15th, 2025, from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Friday, May 16th, 2025, from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., and Saturday, May 17th, 2025, from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (noon). Please bring any of your undesirables, excluding household trash, to the Halifax Township’s Municipal Building located at 102 Fisher Street, Halifax, PA 17032.


No contractors, businesses, commercial users, or dump truck loads.

Must be a resident of Halifax Township or Halifax Borough.

Identification must be presented.

Bulk Items Accepted:



Gas Grills (no propane tanks)

Tires are accepted with a disposal fee:

Passenger tires-$4.00 each

Larger tires-additional charge

Tires on wheels-$8.00 each

Unacceptable Items:

Burn barrels, household weekly trash, paint, propane tanks, chemicals, liquid waste, antifreeze, batteries, ammunition, explosives, demolition waste, yard waste, and household hazardous waste. *

*Dauphin County residents may dispose of household hazardous waste by calling 1-800-449-7487.

No liquids of any kind will be accepted (except used oil).

Absolutely no appliances containing Freon! A certificate must be provided to show Freon was reclaimed.


Halifax Township & Halifax Borough

reserves the right to reject any item.

Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance (2/20/2025)

Attachment Available-Click Here

An updated Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance has been adopted (2/20/2025) and posted.

Stormwater Management Ordinance (2/2025)

Attachment Available-Click Here

An updated Stormwater Management Ordinance has been posted to the website under Ordinances.

Contact Halifax Township