Monthly Business Meetings are held at the Township Building. Agendas and Minutes for meetings can be found on the Agendas/Minutes page.
Planning Commission Meetings are held at the Township Building. Agendas and Minutes for meetings can be found on the Agendas/Minutes page.
I. Public comment will be received only at the beginning of each meeting.
A. Each speaker is requested to be concise, and in the interest of time, to strive to avoid repetition.
II. The Board will receive public comment, but will not engage in discussion or deliberation at this time.
A. A person who wishes to engage in discussion or have questions answered should contact the Township Office a minimum of three (3) days in advance of the meeting to request being placed on the agenda.
B. A written summary regarding the subject to be discussed, should be given to the Township Secretary, a minimum of three (3) calendar days prior to the meeting so the Board and Advisors (Engineer and Solicitor) can be properly prepared to discuss the matter.
III. Each speaker in the public comment period may have the floor for three (3) minutes of unrestricted comment.
A. If a citizen anticipates the need for more time than three minutes, he or she may request to be on the agenda, as per II., A. & B. above.
B. If the Chairmain recognizes the need for additional time during the public comment, he or she may interrupt the comment and request the matter to be put in writing so it may be placed on agenda for the next business meeting.
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